Metaobject instances / values

A guide to how to effectively manage Metaobjects using Accentuate

This page contains a guide to all the bits and bobs of Accentuate's Metaobject instance editor.

This can act as the general guide on how to use the editor.

Now that you have built out your Metaobject definition it’s time to populate it with data. if you have not yet created your Metaobject definition please refer to our guide on how to do so, and come back to this article.

When you first open the editor page you will be greeted by a couple of things, namely the banner welcoming you, the main editor component, and the side menus.

Firstly, let's talk about the main editor component. As you can see in the attached screenshot it consists of the header and the fields.

In the header you will be able to control some of this instance’s attributes like the:

  • Handle - A unique name Shopify uses to refer to this exact Metaobject. Besides its ID, this is the other way to access this instance’s data. This handle is used in your store’s liquid code to refer to this Metaobject instance. We also included a handy copy of the clipboard button for ease of use. You have the option of inputting the handle into this field or leaving it blank. In that case, Shopify will use the display name and generate a handle from that. A Metaobject’s handle can be changed, but it will always be unique. In this case, you input a handle that is already present in your store. Shopify will suffix it with a number and use that as a unique handle.

  • Status - This is used to decide whether you want your Metaobject to be shown on your storefront or not. This switch toggles between ‘ACTIVE’ and ‘DRAFT’

The fields of the Metaobject reflect the definition you created in the META page. This part will contain all the field types you insert into your Metaobject definition. This is where you input all of your data.

The side menus consist of a couple of different blocks.

The first one is the instance navigation. In this dropdown, you can navigate to other instances of this definition. Depending on if you are editing an existing or creating a new Metaobject instance this box may contain the “New” and “Delete” buttons that either lead you to create a new instance or delete the one you are currently on.

The second one is the definition navigation. In this dropdown, you can choose which definition instances you want to edit. It will navigate you to the first instance of the new definition it finds and you can use the first dropdown to navigate to the one you need.

The third block is the refresh block. If you recently added something in Shopify and it's missing in your drop-downs for references just hit this button.

Lastly the save changes button. This saves changed directly to Shopify and all the changes will reflect to your store straight away.

Bulk Editor

Accentuate offers a powerful bulk editor for you to edit multiple metaobject instances at once. Just click this icon on the top of the main editor component.

This will open up the bulk editor where you will next choose the instances you want to edit and add them.

Doing so will open many tabs where you can easily switch between instances and edit them all at once.

Next steps:

You now know everything you need to manage your Metaobject definitions using Accentuate. You may want to read more about:

Last updated