Filter editor

Learn how to use filters to easily select data and reuse it all around your store.

Manipulating data can sometimes be an exhausting process. To make it easier, more intuitive and effective, we’ve created an optimal solution to get the data in almost no time - ACF Advanced Search. This functionality allows for swift querying within the data encompassed by the following scopes:

  • Products

  • Variants

  • Collections

  • Orders

Accessing Advanced Search is straightforward - simply click on the dropdown menu as shown below, and you'll find Advanced Search among the available options.

Upon entering Advanced Search, you'll be greeted by the Filter list page. At the top, there's a banner providing information about Advanced Search and its capabilities.

To create a new query, simply click either the button with the label “new”, or the hyperlink down the filters list segment and you’ll be redirected to the Advanced Query Builder Page, which should look like this.

Let’s break the page's functionality into pieces to make it easier to understand each segment. First of all, the top of the page contains action buttons: new (creates a completely new filter), duplicate (duplicates current filter), preview (shows a modal that includes all the affected items by the desired filter) and finally save, which saves the current filter.

Next up, it’s time to choose one of the available scopes from the dropdown menu (in this case, the chosen scope is products). We encourage you to give filters descriptive names in order to make it easier to use them later.

If you accidentally make a mistake that makes the query unavailable to run, Advanced Search will warn you about it in the status bar (in case everything seems okay, the All good label will appear).

The selector dropdown menu enables you to choose from 10 distinct selectors (with the total number varying based on the scope). Depending on the selected selector and the logical operators available, the value type is dynamically adjusted. Utilizing the plus button on the right side enables the addition of another statement to the current query.

Grouping the queries

In case you have to manipulate more than one segment of queries, there is an option to group filters. To achieve that, you have to select the desired filters and click the “Group by” button.

Previewing affected items

When you're done editing your filter we recommend you preview the affected items to double-check your results before going on to save your filter. Some mistakes might have flown under your radar and this is a great way to catch them.

Last updated